Thursday, October 28, 2010

Class Links Post

I have been following this blog that discusses the controversy on the legalization of Marijuana. I really enjoyed keeping up with this blog for a few different reasons. It is very interesting and extremely informative. And Secondly, it is a funny blog at times and gives you the chance to think about less “formal” problems our country is having.

This blog covers the issue stemming from the possible construction of a mosque near Ground Zero. I followed this blog from day one. It’s a very interesting topic, particularly because every American has an opinion regarding what should be done. If you are up to having your beliefs challenged while willing to see the sides of others, then this blog is gold.

This blog is about the controversy with agents in the NCAA. I personally am a HUGE sports fan so I was on this blog like a duck on a June bug. This blog has great information and is very insightful to the problem that it correlates to. I enjoyed keeping up with this blog so much that I’m actually going to try and find another sports-related blog to follow, fancy that?

All of these blogs are very unique and interesting in their own way. So, I urge you to click the link and read up because I actually developed some new beliefs from interacting with some other people's viewpoints in these three blogs.

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